Commentaries/Research Papers
- Latin America Advisor: “Why Do Gender Gaps Persist in the Region’s Workforce?”, November 18, 2019; “Will Brazil and Chile Benefit from a New Trade Deal?”, November 5, 2018; “Are Latin American Economies Finally Going to Integrate?”, August 6, 2018; “Would an EU- Mercosur Deal Bring Big Benefits?”, March 19, 2018; “What is Holding Back Caribbean Economic Growth?”, January 23, 2018.
- “The Role of Civil Society in Shaping Trade Policy,” Canadian Foundation for the Americas (FOCAL) Research Paper, December, 2009.
Association/Business Journals
- “Our Food Smells Different: Insights for International Food Traders, in The Network Journal, Spring 2017, p. 54.
- “CBI: Providing Competitive Advantage for Jamaican Products Entering the US Market,” in Amcham Jamaica Magazine, Inaugural Issue, June 2016, pp. 24.25.
- “Building the Bridge to Mutual Recognition of Caribbean Professionals,” in Caribbean Export Outlook, 2014-2015 (inaugural edition), pp. 96-99.
- “The Economic Partnership Agreement With the European Union: Can EPA Bring Any Real Benefits for Caribbean Businesses?” Caribbean Maritime, No. 6 (2009), pp. 38-39.
- “Changing U.S.-Caribbean Trade Relations,” Trade Gateway– The Newsletter of the (Jamaica) Anti-dumping and Subsidies Commission, Vol. 4, Issue 1 (2008), p. 5.
- “Negotiating Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications with the EU,” Trade Gateway, Newsletter of the (Jamaica) Anti-Dumping & Subsidies Commission, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (2011), p. 3.
- “Taking Advantage of the Caribbean Single Market,” Latin American Law & Business Report, May 31, 2007, pp. 16-19.
- “Trade and Poverty: The Doha Dilemma,” in Women in International Trade Newsletter, Spring 2007.
- “Regionalization: African and Caribbean Integration into the World Economy,” in Women in International Trade Newsletter, Fall 2004.
- “Whither U.S. Export Control Policy?” (co-authored with Ronald A. Oleynik) in The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, Vol. 10, No. 5 (2002) p.11.
- “CARICOM Trade Agenda in the World Trade Organization,” in CARICOM Policy Options for International Engagement. Kenneth O. Hall & Myrtle Chuck-A-Sang (eds.) Ian Randle Publishers, 2010, pp. 348-366.
- International Business: Doing Business Without Borders, co-authored with A.C. Foster, Kendall Hunt Publishing Co., 2014.
Legal Journals
- “ ‘Dangerous’ Dancehall Reggae and Caribbean Treaty Obligations,” in Connecticut Journal of International Law, Vol. 27 (2012), pp. 321-343.
- “Small Developing States in the WTO/DSM: A Procedural Approach to Special and Differential Treatment Through Reforms to Dispute Settlement,” in Syracuse J. Int’l L. & Com.35, (2007) pp. 27-76.
- “The WTO Doha Development Round: The Development Dilemma & Other Competing Interests,” International Law Practicum, New York State Bar Association, Vol. 20, No. 1 (2007), pp.20-26.
- “Regional Trade Efforts in Africa and the Caribbean: Opening Doors to Global Trade,” in The International Law News, American Bar Association/Section of International Law and Practice, Vol. 34, No. 2, (2005)
- “World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement,” (co-author) in International Trade: International Legal Developments in Review: 2004, The International Lawyer, American Bar Association/Section of International Law and Practice, Vol. 34, No. 2 (2005), pp. 213-220.
- “Caribbean Single Market & Economy: What Is It and Can It Deliver?” ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2004), pp. 39 -47.
- “Guidance to Food Importers on the Registration Requirements of the U.S. Bioterrorism Act,” The NetWorker Magazine, March 2004.
- “CARICOM Participation in the Caribbean Basin Initiative: Lessons for the FTAA,” Currents International Trade Law Journal, Vol. XII, No. 2 (2003), pp. 12-16.
- “World Trade Organization: Year in Review,” in International Legal Developments in Review: 2002, (International Institutions) The International Lawyer, American Bar Association/Section of International Law and Practice, Vol. 37, No. 2 (2003) pp. 618-622.
- “World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Activity,” in International Legal Developments in Review: 2001, The International Lawyer, American Bar Association/Section of International Law and Practice, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2002) pp. 375-381.
“The Commonwealth of Independent States: Political and Economic Integration Among the States of the Former USSR,”
- The Role of the Private Sector and Consumers in Shaping Trade Policy, The Jamaica Business Gleaner, September 25, 2005
- Updates: The WTO Doha Development Round & CAFTA, The Jamaica Business Gleaner, September 11, 2005
- Creating a Caribbean Single Economy, The Jamaica Business Gleaner, August 28, 2005
- Where is the CSME Now? The Jamaica Business Gleaner, August 15, 2005
- Caribbean Sugar Exports and European Union Agricultural Reform, The Jamaica Business Gleaner, July 31, 2005
- Jamaica in the World Trade Organization: The Doha Development Round, The Jamaica Business Gleaner, July 17, 2005
- Jamaica in the World Trade Organization, The Jamaica Business Gleaner, June 26, 2005
- Free Trade Area of the Americas: What Is It and Where Is It Going? The Jamaica Business Gleaner, June 12, 2005
- An Overview of Jamaica’s Multilateral Trade Relationships, The Jamaica Business Gleaner, May 29, 2005
- An Overview of Jamaica’s Bilateral Trade Agreement, The Jamaica Business Gleaner, May 15, 2005
- CSME: Trade in Services, The Jamaica Business Gleaner, April 13, 2005
- CSME: Free Movement of Goods, The Jamaica Business Gleaner, March 9, 2005
- CSME: Opportunities & Challenges, The Jamaica Business Gleaner, February 23, 2005