Working with Governments
Through such donor agencies as the Inter-American Development Bank, USAID, and EU development agencies, DevelopTradeLaw, LLC provides legal and policy expertise to support trade-capacity building programs
How We Assist Governments with Trade-Related Issues
DevelopTradeLaw, LLC works with governments to address trade-related issues, including:
- Development of WTO-consistent trade and customs laws and regulations.
- Reduction of customs-related and other legal and regulatory barriers to trade.
- Expansion of knowledge of and ability to actively participate in multilateral, bilateral, and regional trade activities, including the WTO, FTAA, and other related activities.
- Strengthening of the capacity for trade policy formulation and implementation.
- Strengthening of the enabling environment for businesses.
- Effective implementation of customs reforms and harmonization.
- Strengthening of the transparency of the government procurement process.