Here is Part “J” of my series, “International Trade Alphabet Soup” that will periodically list and provide context for key acronyms and international trade terms:

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JBIC – Japan Bank for International Cooperation is the world’s largest source of development finance with an annual budget of over 3 trillion yen (approx. US $27 billion). It was established in September 1999 by the merger of Export-Import Bank of Japan (JEXIM) and the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OECF).

JCCT – United States-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade is the primary forum for addressing bilateral trade matters and promoting commercial opportunities between the United States and China.

JDB – Development Bank of Japan (also DBJ) is a Japanese corporation created in 2008 to provide integrated investment and loan services to domestic and international clients.

JEIC – Japan Export Information Center is run by the U.S. Department of Commerce to provide market research and other information on doing business in Japan.

JETRO – Japan External Trade Organization works to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world with the core focus of promoting foreign direct investment into Japan and helping small to medium size Japanese firms to maximize their global export potential.

JEXIM – Export-Import Bank of Japan has been merged into the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) (see above).

JICA – Japan International Cooperation Agency is a Japanese government agency that coordinates the Official Development Assistance programs of Japan.

JIT – Just in Time is an inventory management system introduced in Japan and now used extensively around the world that requires materials and components used in the production process to be delivered as they are needed.

JITAP – Joint Integrated Technical Assistance Program is a partnership in technical assistance delivery of the three Geneva-based trade agencies — ITC, UNCTAD, and WTO to selected least-developed African countries to help them participate in the WTO and integrated into and take advantage of opportunities in the global trading system.

JSP- Japan Special Fund supports technical assistance programs of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) with untied grants that ADB administers to help its developing country members restructure their economies, broaden their opportunities for new investment, and prepare loan projects.
