by Andrea | Oct 25, 2014 | CSME, informal trade, tools for importers
October is National Women’s Small Business Month in the United States. In honor of National Women’s Small Business Month, we explore the trends for women in business going global. October, 2014 also marks the 25th anniversary of the passage of Women’s Business...
by Andrea | Jan 20, 2014 | CSME, Recent Trends in Trade, small business financing, tools for importers
Here is Part “C” of my series, “International Trade Alphabet Soup” that will periodically list and provide context for key acronyms and international trade terms: CACM – Central American Common Market: Trade bloc established by Costa Rica, El Salvador,...
by Andrea | May 29, 2013 | CSME, international trade rules, Recent Trends in Trade, small business financing, tools for importers
The month of May is widely celebrated across the United States as World Trade Month. And by Presidential Proclamation, the United States celebrated World Trade Week, May 19th – 25th, 2013. In honor of World Trade Month, we highlight some of the resources that are...
by Andrea | Oct 21, 2012 | access to finance, CSME, international trade rules, Recent Trends in Trade, tools for importers
I recently followed a LinkedIn conversation among customs specialists. The posted question: In the USA, what is the number one problem for Customs Compliance Managers? The number one answer among these very experienced individuals was getting upper management/company...