To close out World Trade Month, we remind readers of the market opportunities available in the developing world. Many of these countries have signed trade agreements that have removed or minimized barriers to trading with them. It is time to discover your market in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

Asia: The largest and most populated continent on Earth currently holds 60% of the world’s population. China is its largest economy, followed by India, Japan, Russia, and South Korea. The countries of Asia are often included within the broader “Asia-Pacific” region. Several are party to the recently- concluded Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. Learn more

Africa:  The world’s second-largest and most-populous continent accounts for about 15% of the world’s population, including a growing middle class.  Many African products are able to enter major country markets duty-free. Learn more

Americas:  The population of the Latin American & Caribbean region comprises 9% of the world’s population and contains three of the world’s emerging economies.   Changes in US-Cuban trade policy are easing the limitations on doing business in Cuba. Learn more

To learn more about how to take advantage of these agreements and discover your market contact us.

